Heroes United

Heroes United is a multi-level, turn-based browser game revolving around you, the player, as you rise up to defend your homeland from invaders, join the local militia, and fight towards justice. Features include user authentication and session storage via Passport.js and MySQL, character selection from a wide variety of classes, an engaging combat system, and special appearances from Nintendo's hit mobile game, Fire Emblem Heroes. Collaborated with Brittany McNulty, Christina Truong, David Garza, and Mark Baker.


The issue with some games is when players progress through the story and are restricted to one only character throughout their entire playthrough, their experience is very linear and isolated compared to having a playable cast. It would be more appealing to have a game that does the following:

  • Permit users to sign up or log in and save their current session, including their character selection and chapter progression.
  • Allow users to choose from a multitude of characters and change their class anytime, with no restrictions.
  • Prompt the user in performing tactical decisions when engaging in combat.

My Role

  • Spearheaded the art direction and kept design consistent among all of the webpages.
  • Developed a stat distribution function that incorportated D3.js to display a bar graph visual of each character's base stats and the newly added stats.
  • Designed a chapter unlock system that allows users to see the current, previous, and upcoming chapter status depending on their story progression indicated from the MySQL database.
  • Worked with the main back-end developer on the user flow pertaining to Express routing concerning new users versus existing users and integrating data onto select pages.