EventBite is a mobile responsive event search application that lets you discover the upcoming entertainment happening in your local area- from concerts, festivals, sports, and more. Features include loading all available events from their current location using their IP address, directly linking to SeatGeek when requesting tickets for events, and displaying information of restaurants nearby the eventsite. Collaborated with Mark Baker, Daniel Williams, and DJ Prado.
When it comes to scheduling an eventful day with family or friends, it is time consuming and difficult to focus when constantly having to switch between two or more applications just to get information on an event and deciding on where to eat beforehand or afterwards. It would be much more convienent to have an application that does the following:
- Show current events in my area and search for other events by city, category, and name.
- Display general information on events and nearby restaurants, including date, time, and location.
- Find a listing of all the tickets available for sale.
My Role
- Built the wireframe that was used as a base for appending data pulled from the SeatGeek, Zomato, and Mapbox APIs.
- Created the user interface using HTML, CSS, and jQuery, incorporating and styling Bootstrap components, and adding responsive elements to display the content correctly across multiple devices and browsers.
- Integrated event map via MapBox using the longitude and latitude coordinates passed from the SeatGeek API.
- Worked with the team to add features that enhances the user experience, including displaying user location in the search bar upon load once retrieved from the GeoJS API, implementing a scroll towards the events section when a search has been submitted or a featured location has been selected, and updating the section title according to the city the events take place.