
BookTracker is a MERN stack, single-page application (SPA) that allows users to browse books utilizing the Google Books API, add books to their reading list, and monitor their completion status. All of the saved books are stored in the MongoDB database, including the title, author, thumbnail, link, and status.

User Stories

One of UT Austin Coding Bootcamp’s full-stack assignments is to build a book search engine with the following user stories:

  • I can search the Google Books API for books by title and author in the search bar or find books by selecting a tag.
  • I can save and update books according to their completion status and remove books from my saved list.

Development Process

  • Before submitting a search, the state of query input needs to be updated through incorporating a function that checks the inside the input element. Submitting a search through either the search bar or selecting a tag from the list sends a GET request to Axios to call the Google Books API. At most 10 results are returned and displayed on the page.
  • The ellipsis on the corner of every result prompts the user to add the selected book into the corresponding section in accordance to completion status. A POST request is sent via Axios and a create() method is called in order to create a new instance in the database. All of the saved books are presented in the /saved route.
  • All of the books in the /saved route are organized according to their completion status: Reading, Plan To Read, and Completed. Selecting the ellipsis in this page allows the user to either move the book to another section or delete the saved book. Moving a book to a different section sends a PUT request to call the update() method to change the completion status. Removing a book sends a DELETE request with a remove() method instead. When the request is finished, a GET request under a findAll() method is sent to redisplay all the updated books.